Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The American Dream is most certainly a beautiful one. It...

The American Dream is most certainly a beautiful one. It has to do with owning your own home in a neighborhood with a good school for the kids and an expensive car in the driveway. Working at a job, that you chose, that provides enough money to realize all of your dreams . Does this sound right? This may have been true when the phrase was coined back in 1931 by James Truslow Adams, in his book The Epic of America, but is certainly not true today. The vast majority of Americans are living in this middle income bracket or even more people receiving government subsidies . When are we, as a nation, going to realize that working a 9 to 5 just to be happy to be able to pay our bills and make ends meet is not going to make the American†¦show more content†¦The gap between the haves and have not’s is very real. There is a lot of talk about the ills of the country. About the mistakes that have been made and that are continuing to be made; the wars, the lending crisis, the outsourcing of jobs. All are very serious and real financial problems that the country continues to live with. How can we give away and lend money to other countries when, right here in America, we have so many hungry and homeless people? There was an article in the local paper, very recently, about 2 homeless people who died from the sudden drop in temperature in New Orleans! They froze to death from the cold. What about their â€Å"American Dream?† Did they ever have one and if so, when did it die for them? Shouldn’t everyone have a chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Along with the pursuit; the â€Å"dream† should be in there somewhere? There are many Americans angry with the â€Å"rich† for having so much money. There are countless books written on getting rich. The authors so lovingly tell us all how â€Å"they did it† and â€Å"how we can do it too.† I have read several ofShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe: His Life and The Raven4939 Words   |  20 Pagesconsidered to be the father of the short story by many. Over the course of his life, he wrote hundreds of short stories and poems. His writing style is unique and influenced by the tragedies that occurred over the course of his life. In fact, he is most well known for writing morbid stories and gruesome, dismal poems. Indeed his writing habits were heavily influenced by his life. His life was full of depression, angst, and woe. Many of the people he cared for fell victim to deadly plagues and diseasesRead MoreEssay on The Life of Edgar Allan Poe4875 Words   |  20 Pagesconsidered to be the father of the short story by many. Over th e course of his life, he wrote hundreds of short stories and poems. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Human Resource Practice for Training Programs - MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Practice for Training Programs. Answer: Introduction Human Resource Practices are the practice by which members of the organization are developed. This practice happens with the proper involvement of training programs, motivational programs that can directly helps in increasing the performance of the company. The good human Resource Practice helps in the proper achieving of given objectives and increasing productivity. The human resource practice is formed with the help of groups formed in the firm to properly carry out the practice for the betterment of the company. In this essay, the company Centre link in Australia has carried out human resource practice. In order to maintain proper productivity all the company has to keep the practice of human resources. In this essay, the focus is made on the selected domain that is working with families and partnership. In the human resource practice, there is an involvement to recognize the human service organizations help the workers from the Centre link in the field of domain that is working w ith family and partnership. Analyzing the role of human service professional that is used in the retail company of Australia that is Centre link. The properly identifying, values and knowledge based on the culturally diverse client in the given company. Moreover, the problems that are raised from the culturally diverse clients while carrying in human resource practices. In order to maintain the practice of human resource management, the company has to follow on the certain professional code of practices. In this regard, this study attempts to illustrate the various aspect of the human service organization, the role of the human service professional and the ethics and practices adopted by such organizations.. Recognize a Human Service Organization and Properly Select Domain Field and Practice Centre link is the largest human service company that properly practices the human resource. Moreover, the selected domain involves in the working with family and partnership. There is a huge important factors lie while working with family and partnership. In order to establish the relationship with family, a proper involvement of communication is highly required with the members of family. The family provides opportunity in the service by their involvement and also helps in taking tough decision (Baldwin, 2016). This tough decision helps the company to overcome from the tough situations. Family provides supporting role in creating beliefs and values on the service. Centre link provide a huge role in the involvement of family and partnership by providing better service across Australia and New Zealand. The firm has nearly 27 million customers and having a working family of about 180,000 members serves for the betterment of the company. Centre link has made a huge partnership with the other groups for spreading the service among the customers. Moreover, this helps in the company growth in production and earning of profits (Bowen, 2016). Centre link has involved with three main ideas, in order to make the partners works for long terms. These ideas are fairness, collaboration and involvement of local sources. In order to maintain properly about building up good relationship, the firms has built up mutual trust. The company has focused on the preferences of the customers, producers, members and manufactures. Organization has suppliers of about 79% involved in the better working to develop the products and services for the customers. The firm also provides the freedom to speak about the service that are involved with customers and partner. This is the main reason for which the company has managed to make involvement of third party to manage the complaints (Kong, Chadee Raman, 2013). Companies products and service are served properly among the customers due to invol vement of good family members and better partnership in Australia and New Zealand.. Analysis Role of Human Service Professional and Knowledge Human service professional has driven to focus on helping of citizen and company performs in an optimal level. In the human service professional must conduct with proper knowledge and skills arranged to understand with citizen, group and in individual. This knowledge depends on the human behavior in individual or in group (Carnochan, Samples, Myers Austin, 2014). Human service is based on the human development by depending on the behavior of society and culture. The staff member of human service professional plays many roles by properly designing optimal patterns for the society. Human service professional shows the capabilities on the areas such as :- a) A proper getting the knowledge on the firm and human system b) The knowledge are conducted on the high level of human system. c) Recognizing many interventions for making the human system at a highest level. The main roles of human service professional are to guide the individual and groups to function quickly and effectively on the main domains of practice. The main purpose of the human service staffs is to help other people or groups. Centre link perform a high social and human service practices for the betterment of the society. The social works involves in the gaining knowledge and creating high values in the society. Moreover, the company involves in the human service practice among the employees. Social works helps in running the awareness campaign program in the society based on the health or other issues. The proper human service practice helps in increasing the welfare of group, member and individuals in the society of Australia. The proper outcome of human service practice and social work helps the development of the society. The social work and human service practice creates a framework on the proper values and ethics among the society as well as to the members of the firm. Moreover, organization practices proper human service in the company, in order to communicate properly with customers. The involvement of social work and practice is highly required for the company's growth. Analysis Knowledge, Values and Social Human Service Practices with Culturally Diverse Clientele: There is a huge rise of competence between specific culture and diversity. In the competence of culture depends on the language and culture of the society. The new immigrants brings with different culture, religion, languages in the society. There lies with the involvement of internal displacement in the country with torture, extreme poverty involves with immigrant community. The professionals and society helps to gain a huge cultural competence based on good values. Social worker helps to provide good service in the society and also imparts the social injustice. Nowadays, social workers play cultural competence to properly strengthen the high ethical values. The social practices are performed in the company, schools for properly equipped with the cultural values among different members in the society (Sue, Rasheed Rasheed, 2015). In the Centre link, there are different members involved in the better working of the company. Moreover, the members have come from different culture, lan guages and religion. The company has kept the cultural differences of the members separately for the better working of the company. Organizations need the involvement of different cultural members due to daily visit of many customers from other country. The cultural competence helps in the development of the social workers and helps in properly perform services on the increasing diverse clientele. The social workers are trained properly based on the cultural competence to help the parents while adopting child on the cultural heritage. The workers also help in creating new planning of much activity that helps the child to be more active on culture (Rubin Babbie, 2016). A good social worker having enough competent on culture can easily provide task based on culture and help to achieve the goals on the cultural divergent. A proper service helps on the cultural competent helps in gaining more culture on the society. The social workers based on cultural competence can properly address w ith different genders present in the society. A person culture can be known based on knowledge and understand the background. Analyzing the Potential Ethical Dilemmas while Working with Culturally Diverse Clients: There are certain problems involved by the company while working with the culturally diverse clients. The problems belong with value systems and much cultural background. It involves with the involvement of ethical dilemmas on the cultural diversity. 1) The properly understand the cultural values, rituals and belief caused in the cultural diversity. 2) There are differences on the values and the ethics while facing with different cultures (Martin, 2016). 3) While there is an involvement of making ethical decision based on cultures of non-majority. 4) Moreover, the involvement of ethical decision helps in minimizing the conflicts. Moreover, the proper solving of ethical decisions helps in solving the ethical dilemmas in the culturally diverse clients. In the Woolworths there is a huge involvement of culturally diverse clients as many customers visit daily (Sridharan, 2014). There is a cultural influence that makes the customers to make their full freedom in the choice. The company follows properly about the ethical and moral responsibility for the better working of the company. Centre link has performed human service practices for a long period of time for the betterment of society (Martin, 2016). Moreover, the company has involved in the supply of brands in the retails market. In order to have a huge customer and huge members working, involves in the cultural diversity. The company has made proper framework based on the cultural strategy, not creating any harm to the members of the Woolworth. Moreover, the company helps the member to enrich their cultural field and helps for not creating any diversity. Professional Codes of Ethics and Practice: The professional codes of ethics and practice are conducted based on ethical benchmarks. The codes of ethics are set in four parts. These are Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. Part A is set by the professional accountant. Part B is made by professional accountant while working in public. Part C is also set by executive accountant while working in business. Part D is set by professional accountants on the incomplete practices of business. There are basically five main principles made by ACCA book. These are objectivity, integrity, professional behavior, confidentiality and competence on the professional level. The Codes are applied based on the ethical principles and values for exact specific areas of practices (Woodside McClam, 2016). The proper applicable of codes are deemed to all the groups. The Code of Ethics is to develop and properly maintain the professional competence. There are mainly three professional Codes of practice that are applicable in the daily practice. These are proper responsibility planned based on public interest. The groups or members have prime responsibility on the public interest. These are based on proper planning of techniques and skills for properly understand the interest on public (Bromley Meyer, 2014). These are practices are made on the proper values and need that helps to encourage the working on public. In the proper planning, a right decision helps to execute the work properly. It is evident from the statement of corporate governance of Centre link that the organization is focused at enhancement of the shareholders value and in safeguarding their needs and interests. The management of the organization is aimed carrying on with the operations in compliance with the ethical codes of conduct and adopt such practices that that meets high degree of disclosures and compliance (Bryan Brown, 2015). While going through the ann ual report of the company it is noted that the management of the organization ensures that the various policies and the practices adopted by the organization in certain critical areas like financial reporting of the organization and the reporting of remuneration of the Board of Directors are all in compliance with the market standards and the ethical codes of conducts (Jackson, Schuler Jiang, 2014). Conclusion: In light of the above study, it can be established that the proper involvement of the human service practice helps in the development of the company that is Centre link. Moreover, it enhances the cultural diversity of the members as well as the customers. The company has worked with the family and partnership in order to get the proper planning and decision on the tough condition. It has been concluded that the proper role of human service organization helps in development of the company. Moreover, this helps to enhance the member's skill and knowledge on the working field. The culturally diverse clientele also involves with the social workers. The company has performed properly for gaining a proper position by the involvement in the cultural activity. Reference List Baldwin, M. (2016). Social work, critical reflection and the learning organization. Routledge. Bowen, D. E. (2016). The changing role of employees in service theory and practice: An interdisciplinary view. Human Resource Management Review, 26(1), 4-13. Bromley, P., Meyer, J. W. (2014). They Are All Organizations The Cultural Roots of Blurring Between the Nonprofit, Business, and Government Sectors. Administration Society, 0095399714548268. Bryan, T. K., Brown, C. H. (2015). The individual, group, organizational, and community outcomes of capacity-building programs in human service nonprofit organizations: Implications for theory and practice. 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J., DeJong, C. R. (2013). Applied social research: A tool for the human services. Cengage Learning. Rubin, A., Babbie, E. R. (2016). Empowerment Series: Research Methods for Social Work. Cengage Learning. Salsgiver, R. (2015). Disability: A diversity model approach in human service practice. Oxford University Press. Sridharan, K. S. (2014). TQM and Discipline management. International Journal of Conceptions on Management and Social Sciences, 2. Sue, D. W., Rasheed, M. N., Rasheed, J. M. (2015). Multicultural Social Work Practice: A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice. John Wiley Sons. Wilson, J. R., Sharples, S. (Eds.). (2015). Evaluation of human work. CRC press. Woodside, M. R., McClam, T. (2016). Generalist case management: A method of human service delivery. Cengage Learning.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Receiving Constructive Feedback From Colleagues and Managers free essay sample

When receiving constructive feedback some people may react badly and see it as a criticism of their work they may become angry, defensive, become anxious, and look for reassurance. Some people may see it as a positive to enable them to develop their skills, may give them a confidence boost or they may appreciate another person’s views and take on board and agree with their feedback. When receiving constructive feedback we should remember that we are care workers and services can always be improved to provide the best level of care possible.Having feedback from others and being willing to listen to that feedback, as well as use it to your advantage is a huge part of self-improvement, and plays a massive role in developing your knowledge, skills and understanding of certain things. For example a third party is more likely to identify areas for improvement that an individual without feedback would be unable to recognise. We will write a custom essay sample on Receiving Constructive Feedback From Colleagues and Managers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such as the way you speak to someone, as you’re talking and joking you might believe that the subjects you breach are perfectly acceptable, but the service user you are communicating with may never want to mention the fact that they really don’t want to talk about cars any more, either out of politeness or some other motive, but another member of staff may be able to recognise this, and discuss it with you while they give out feedback which lets you identify the area for improvement. Feedback can increase your problem solving capabilities by allowing you to take in a situation from another’s perspective, and approaching a previous problem in a way that you have discovered by listening to others, they will tell you their perspectives and how they might deal with a situation in a more appropriate way. Perhaps in the form of advice or even just a little more information on how a certain service user likes to be treated. Changing the way to act around someone can ha ve a massive impact on them, and sometimes feedback is the only way to identify this.